Monday, August 23, 2010

Parable Series: Part 1 - The Dragnet

Alright everyone, I am starting a new series on the Parables of Jesus, it should be less than 40 parts. This study typically follows along the lines of this site: From their belief statements I have to agree that they are credible as can be. Please be sure not to take my word for it and realize that you as a discerning and thinking Christian should always investigate for yourself through the Word of God and prayer if something said is legitimate. I come humbly to share something that I'm learning. I will try to not reiterate everything on the website, instead I wanted to expand my thoughts here and would love your personal feedback so that we all can be edified. So without further hesitation:

The Dragnet
- Matt 13:47-50 (from amplified version)
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet which was cast into the sea and gathered in fish of every sort. 48When it was full, men dragged it up on the beach, and sat down and sorted out the good fish into baskets, but the worthless ones they threw away. 49So it will be at the close and consummation of the age. The angels will go forth and separate the wicked from the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God). 50And cast them [the wicked] into the furnace of fire; there will be weeping and wailing and grinding of teeth.

What I have developed here is that the fish are Christians, we are set apart from whatever else is in the sea because the dragnet, the fishing net essentially, is what catches our attention. So what is the net? It must be the Gospel (believing it gets you caught), the Works and Life of Jesus Christ who brought us salvation and a relationship with God directly through and with Him. Now it says that NOT all the fish caught by the net was good. What makes the fish good or bad? Thinking about it as a fisherman, if you catch a dead fish, it's bad/spoiled, but if it is alive you keep it because it remains fresh. Therefore, we must remain living Christians, Christians that are living for the Gospel even on the final hour.
We cannot be satisfied with the saying "I'm saved, I don't have to do anything else now." This is a dead Christian, please read on faith and fruits of the Spirit. If you are saved you must be alive, if you are alive, you must bear Spiritual fruit, if you are bearing fruit, you should be maturing that fruit. The devil likes to satisfy us with the idea of thinking your done, which is slothfulness and lazy. God always wants your very best on the other hand and wants to increase your spiritual potential. Furthermore, I have to say that we as Christians must always be on guard to do what is right and holy before God and among men and women to give testimony. If you are not on guard you are sleeping, when you sleep and not guarding the enemy can come in your camp to kill. When a tree does not get tended by the gardener or receive rain or sunlight it will surely shrivel and die. The same is with our Christian spiritual life; are we being tended by our Lord Jesus Christ? Are we asking the Father to rain mercy and kindness on us? Are we asking the Spirit to shed light on us so our branches extend for further growth?

At this point then you may be asking, what must I do to be a good/living fish? Seek Christ and do as He says. You will see that He wants you to shed light to this world and stand for what is right. Therefore, you must understand what is true and right and holy, which can only be done by reading the Word of God for yourself. Yes 'once saved, always saved,' but are you REALLY saved? Remember, Christianity is not about doing good, most philosophies and theologies portray that notion. What makes Christianity distinct is a direct relationship to God, through Jesus Christ, who is coequal with the Father and Spirit. That said I'm not saying make banners and run up to your friends telling them to change. Again, keep reading and asking the Spirit for guidance, for He will surely and gladly give it to you. He will dispense a sincere, humble, loving, and patient heart to be able to talk to others when He directs you or quite simply be an example through your good ethics/morals/diligence.

So, have you been caught by the net? Are you a bad or dead fish that will be thrown out in the wild to suffer because you truly did not believe and live out as though you believed? Or will you be the good fish that will be preserved in salt because of your faithfulness? . . . Just one person's thoughts. . .


  1. My perspective on this verse was a little different, I believe when it says "gathered in fish of every sort" the fish are not only christians but everyone. I believe that the gospel, the net in this case, shows no distinction as to what it gathers. As we are all children of god, we are the fish in his sea. But I think that the net is the gospel but moreover the ultimate sacrifice. Like fish in the sea, once the net hits the surface it disturbs the water causing fish to flee. Just like men whose lives are tested tend to gravitate towards worldly things. One should be ready at a moments notice to give up all that he/she loves for god, a good example of this is when god told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. He had no hesitation, he trusted in god and followed his command, whatever the cost. It doesn't matter which direction a fish will go, in the end the net will catch it. Just like the gospel no matter how hard man tends to deviate from gods plan, his word is still present.

  2. Great comments. I definitely agree that the net is both the Gospel and blood sacrifice & meant for everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone will accept what the net offers, Luke 13:34-35. From what I read, we are children of God only if we have faith, Gal 3:26. We were made in the image of God, but now are fallen. His image is restored through faith, otherwise we are in fact children of the devil, John 8:44-47. I hope the context I wrote is sound, we are all students.
